SEO Service

Why is search engine optimization important?

Nearly 93% of all web traffic occurs on search engines. If you want your website to be found, you need to be indexed and ranked high on the major search engines. Some other facts about Google and search engines.

75% of searchers do not click on the first page of a search engine results page (SERP)
Google processes more than 5.8B searches per day.
Google processes more than 2 searches per year.
The average search result click-through rate is 19.3% for #1 and 10.57% for #2.
Each year, 16-20% of all searches are brand new. They have never been searched for before.
60% of Google searches are performed on mobile devices.
Google has 95% of the mobile search engine market in the US.
About 33% of mobile Google searches are location-related.
50% of “near me” queries result in physical store visits.
7 out of 10 Google food searches occur on a mobile device.
46% of product searches begin on Google.
Google is the dominant search engine, with 92% of the market share.